Article name Practical Training as the Development Factor for the Social Students’ Professional Subject Position
Authors Cherkasova U.A.
Bibliographic description
UDK 37
Article type
Annotation The article describes conditions necessary to improve the professional social education (pre-service teaching of social realm). The author introduces results of the research devoted to certain peculiarities of the professional subject position taken by the students majoring in social work as well as the results obtained during the study of the social students’ practical training resources observed at Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafiev. During her research work the author comes to conclusion that in the course of the university education social students’ professional subject position and its components do not practically develop. The author connects it to the prevalence of theory in modern university education. It is necessary to organize social students’ practical training in a special way. The author approves of and uses the organizational-pedagogical conditions that presuppose a change in the forms and content of the students’ educational activity leading to the formation of their professional subject position.
Key words professional social education, social students’ professional subject position, practical training.
Article information
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Full articlePractical Training as the Development Factor for the Social Students’ Professional Subject Position