Article name Original Premise of Designing a Logical Sign Model as a System of Technological Map Rules, the Frame Problem
Authors Maksyutova G.Y.postgraduate
Bibliographic description
UDK 373.2
Article type
Annotation The article focuses upon the ways to project a logical or a sign model and its systemic representation by means of the detailed process chart or its elements. The subject of the given investigation is the logical/ sign model of the pre-schooler’s achievement development. In our opinion, the initial steps to project a logical/ sign model can be defined in a certain way. Our experience supports the idea of describing the meta-subject approach to pre-schoolers’ comprehension of the meta-poetic texts as a productive technology, which may be used to develop students’ speech skills (including speech in a foreign language). Metaphorically speaking, the pre-schooler’s achievement is the identity of the self and “the others”. So, the subject result is achieved in the course of the children’s development during their active communication at different classes, including those of the English language, by means of the game techniques. The meta-subject result can be achieved by using real and fiction images, schematic images, drawings, sign representations of different elements present in the children’s environment in class. The initial steps of making up a logical model were defined in the course of the investigation and practical work.
Key words multidimension of the logical model, the idea of advanced education, “the law of the emotional reality of fantasy”, metaphoric character of the meta-poetic text, a new formula of the relationship.
Article information
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Full articleOriginal Premise of Designing a Logical Sign Model as a System of Technological Map Rules, the Frame Problem