Article name “Linguistic Portfolio” Technology within the Transition to the Second Edition of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) in the Russian Language for the Secondary School
Authors Cherepanova L.V.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.016: 811.161.1
Article type
Annotation The article describes one of the ways to achieve the goals stated in the 2nd edition of the FSES in the Russian Language for the secondary school. This way is the use of the innovative technology “Linguistic Portfolio” while teaching the Russian language. The paper also presents some general learning acts (personal, communicative, cognitive, and regulative ones) whose development is one the major tasks not only for teaching the Russian language but for the secondary education system as a whole. The most efficient types of the linguistic portfolios have been pointed out and characterized in terms of the leading aim of teaching Russian as a native language. They are files of the achievement in learning the Russian language, a reflective linguistic portfolio, a research and thematic linguistic portfolio. Every type of the given portfolios is presented in terms of their capability to develop the general learning acts, which constitute students’ learning skills. The conditions under which these skills might be successfully developed have been also pointed out and founded.
Key words the 2nd edition of the FSES, general learning acts, an innovative technology of teaching Russian, a “linguistic portfolio”, files of the achievement in learning the Russian language, a reflective linguistic portfolio, a research linguistic portfolio, a thematic linguistic portfolio.
Article information
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Full article“Linguistic Portfolio” Technology within the Transition to the Second Edition of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) in the Russian Language for the Secondary School