Article name Thematic “Language Portfolio” as a Means of Developing Students’ Self-Estimation Skills while Teaching the Russian language
Authors Shakhova T.M.graduate student
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.016:811.161.1
Article type
Annotation The new goals of general education and its development cause changes in the requirements to modern teachers, one of which is to search, develop and introduce new technologies, methods and techniques of teaching the Russian language. The second edition of the FSES makes Russian language teachers comply with this requirement. “Thematic Language Portfolio” is one of the ways to implement the objectives of the FSES, an effective means of reflection, self-esteem, self-correction of the student’s actions. “Language portfolio” technology developed universal school learning activities (personal, communicative, cognitive, regulatory), which are indicators of student’s development as the subject of teaching. The paper presents the thematic structure of the language portfolio for Russian language and criteria for a student’s and a teacher’s assessing of the language portfolio, which helps students learn the main principles of the self-education, self-assessment of their educational activities, educational and personal achievements.
Key words FSES, the second edition, multi-purpose training activities, innovative technology, the subject of teaching, language portfolio, thematic language portfolio, reflection, selfassessment and criteria for assessing thematic language portfolio, self-correction.
Article information
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Full articleThematic “Language Portfolio” as a Means of Developing Students’ Self-Estimation Skills while Teaching the Russian language