Article |
Article name |
To the Problem of Interactive Methods Used in Teaching Foreign Languages |
Authors |
Dagbaeva N.Z.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378.016:811 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article proves the necessity of applying interactive technologies to develop key competences
at practical classes in German given to the beginners at the linguistic higher education
institution. The author shares the experience of the interactive technologies usage in a
project of second-year students in a linguistic higher educational institution. The article gives
the analysis of peculiarities of the project method, cluster, collage, brainstorming; it also shows
their influence on the development of the students’ key competencles. The author maintains
the importance of interactive methods application as they stimulate sources search and enable
students to work with different information sources, to use new technologies, to cooperate with
a group; it means to be a necessary condition for the development of junior students’ communicative
and key competences at a linguistic higher education institution.
Key words |
key competencies, project method, cluster, collage, brainstorming |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | To the Problem of Interactive Methods Used in Teaching Foreign Languages |