Article name Theoretical Basis for The Implementation of the Interrelation “Preprofile-Profile” in Teaching Physics at a Comprehensive School
Authors Orekhov S.E.postgraduate
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.016:53
Article type
Annotation The study reveals the actual problem of constructing an effective preprofile training which enables students to define their further education and future profession. The paper considers the theoretical foundations and features for the educational environment creation which provides the relationship “preprofile-profile” in teaching Physics. It shows the structure of preprofile and profile stages, highlights the main ideas and perspectives. The paper presents the principle of constructing preprofile training so that the profile one was the stage of its logical extension. The main theses are: the introductory training should begin with 7th – 8th grades, questionnaires for students and parents, analysis of promising schools located in close proximity, the introduction of extra-curricular work in preprofile and profile trainings, creation and accumulation of a student’s portfolios, the use of creative projects.
Key words preprofile training, profile training, educational environment, elective courses, interrelation “preprofile-profile”, Physics oriented profile.
Article information
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Full articleTheoretical Basis for The Implementation of the Interrelation “Preprofile-Profile” in Teaching Physics at a Comprehensive School