Article |
Article name |
Children’s Press Development in Buryatia in 1993–2011 |
Authors |
Dorzhieva L.B. |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
37.018.2 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Nowadays scholars and teachers pay more and more attention to the studies of the
pedagogical potential found in the children’s press as well as the issues in using this mass
media to develop children’s personality. The goal of the article is to reveal the main directions
of social and pedagogical interaction of the Young Journalists’ League of Buryatia in 1993-
2011. In the author’s opinion a great experience in the social interaction with various partners
in the information society is favorable for children’s press development whose program will
be included soon into the secondary school curriculum as becoming the core of many school
subjects. The children’s press as a social institute which collaborates with other social institutes
helps the school and society to create a special social space where children are able to express
themselves. Our everyday life and activities are the very subjects for the children’s press.
Creative approach to the cultural dialogue within the social interaction space enables children
to get all-sided development and improve their professional skills. The examples of the social
interaction show how young journalists put their values-and-sense plans into practice.
Key words |
children’s press, development process, information society, joint activity, socialupbringing, institutes integration. |
Article information |
References |
1. Dorzhieva L. B. Detskaja pressa kak faktor formirovanija grazhdanstvennosti shkol’nikov.
Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo BGU, 2007.
2. Dorzhieva L. B. Obrazovatel’no-vospitatel’nyj potencial detskoj pressy v sovremennoj
shkole // Vseros. NPK, posvjawennaja 85-letiju BIPKiPRO. Ulan-Udje: Burjatskoe kn. izd-vo,
2008. S.184–187.
3. Dorzhieva L. B. Sovremennaja detskaja pressa: monografija. Ulan-Udje: Izd-vo BGSHA,
2011. |
Full article | Children’s Press Development in Buryatia in 1993–2011 |