Article name A Verbal Component of the Student Newsletter in the System of the Professional Speech Training in Advertising and Public Relations
Authors Khakimova E.M.Candidate pf Philology Associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.161.1’373 + 378.01
Article type
Annotation PR and advertising professionals must have a high level of linguistic competence. Newsletter «PR-break������������������������������������������������������������������» issued at Mass Communication Department of South Ural State University allows students to achieve this aim. The authors, who work at the newsletter seek for creativity. But they do not always understand that the creation of high quality media product is impossible without knowledge of the language standard. Students make many lexical, grammatical, stylistic, spelling, and punctuation errors. The paper presents qualitative and quantitative analysis of these errors. The study results are advisable to consider within the system of contemporary educational practice.
Key words media education, language competence, orthology, an error, professional culture.
Article information
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Full articleA Verbal Component of the Student Newsletter in the System of the Professional Speech Training in Advertising and Public Relations