Article |
Article name |
Psychology of Journalism as a Systemic Element of the Modern Journalist’s Professional Development |
Authors |
Erofeeva I.V.Doctor of Philology, associate professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
159.923 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article presents the analysis of the content and methodology components included
into the course of lectures and seminars in “Psychology of Journalism”. Considering the
information policy dominating in Russia the discipline is defined as essential and actual for
the journalist’s development under current social and political conditions. The tasks of the
discipline have been determined as well as the range of the key issues (behaviorism, cognitive
psychology, Gestalt-psychology, neurolinguistic programming, etc.) of the media text within
the paradigm of psychological concepts. The focus is made on the psychological cognition of
the self as a personality and a professional. The analytical review of the cognitive components
of the discipline resulted in identifying the socio-psychological functions of mass media:
affective-communicative, development of the psychological unity, socialization of the audience,
psychotherapeutic function.
Key words |
Psychology of journalism, a journalist’s professional development, psychology
culture, socio-psychological functions of mass media, psychological dysfunction. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Psychology of Journalism as a Systemic Element of the Modern Journalist’s Professional Development |