Article name The Demographic Structure of Phlojodicarpus Sibiricus (Steph.ex Spreng.) K.-Pol. (Apiaceae) Cenopopulations in Eastern Transbaikalia
Authors Gileva M.V. Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 582.893
Article type
Annotation The demographic structure exemplified by 50 Phlojodicarpus Sibiricus cenopopulations of different districts of Zabailalsky krai is determined. All cenopopulations studied are regular incomplete ones. According to “delta-omega” classification, four types of the cenopopulations can be distinguished: the young, the ripening, the ripe, and the aging ones. The demographic structure is characterized by the age heterogeneity expressed in a wide variation range of efficiency, recovery and effective density indices. When passing from the cenopopulation of a young type to the next ones, the index of recovery naturally decreases and the aging index increases. Owing to Ph. sibiricus ontogenetic characteristics the aging index can change regardless of the cenopopulation type. The type of plant formation has little impact on the age spectrum with the exception of competition between association members and pregenerative specimen of the species studied.
Key words Phlojodicarpus sibiricus, ontogeny, age spectra, cenopopulation type, energy efficiency, effective population density.
Article information
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Full articleThe Demographic Structure of Phlojodicarpus Sibiricus (Steph.ex Spreng.) K.-Pol. (Apiaceae) Cenopopulations in Eastern Transbaikalia