Article |
Article name |
Reproductive Potentials of the Population of Zabaikalsky Krai |
Authors |
Bulaev V.M.Doctor of Geography, Professor, Senior Researcher gorina08@yandex.ruGorina K.V.Candidate of Geography, Junior Researcher |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
314.382 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper deals with the numerical value and the reproductive potential of population
structure of Zabaikalsky krai. Existing demographic problems in the country motivate to identify
causes of the declining birth rate. One of the stages of the research is analysis of the available
reproductive potential of the population as a total population of active reproductive age and
realization of childbearing functions. Proportion of total reproductive potential of the total number
does not reflect the existing structure, and only analysis of stratification of population segment
can characterize the resources available for each age group participating in the formation of the
reproductive potential of the territory. At the present stage the region has a low reproductive
efficiency of the implementation of the cohort of demographically active population in the
meaning of gross reproduction rate in accordance with the resources available. This situation
means the impact on the reproduction of the population of not only existing imbalances in the age
structure, but also the impact of some other factors.
Key words |
Zabaikalsky krai, reproductive potential, population structure, depopulation. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Reproductive Potentials of the Population of Zabaikalsky Krai |