Article name Institutional Environment and Ecological Safety of the City (Exemplified by the City of Irkutsk)
Authors Zabortseva T.I.Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor,Head of Laboratory
Ignatova O.A.Engineer olga-15–
Bibliographic description
UDK 911:502.7
Article type
Annotation The post-soviet stage of urban growth is characterized by negative processes including deterioration of the urban environment, especially in contradiction with the defined goals and objectives of sustainable development of society embodied in the programs of social and economic development of the individual territories. The paper presents the results of geographical research and practical research on the improvement of urban life on the example of Irkutsk city as an evaluation of the role of the institutional environment in the improvement of its environmental safety. According to the programs of socio-economic development of the federal and regional levels, Irkutsk is considered to be an important center for innovation, industrial, commercial, cultural and tourist development with a high level and quality of life. In the market environment where most of urban economic agents are private enterprises, the framework institutionalenvironmental support, along with other factors, contribute to formation of positive living environment.
Key words urban society, sustainable development, elements of institutional environment, environmental safety, environmental policy, conceptual and program maintenance.
Article information
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Full articleInstitutional Environment and Ecological Safety of the City (Exemplified by the City of Irkutsk)