Article name A. Platonov’s Artistic Text through the Prism of Real and Folk History
Authors Golovanov I.A.Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 821.161.1
Article type
Annotation The article reveals the features of correlation between the real and the folk art chronotopes in A. Platonov’s artistic text. By the example of the story Ivan Zhokh, which focuses on Pugachev’s riot and the phenomenon of imposture in the Russian history, historic and folklore art work contexts are being contrasted. It is stated that the writer has made an attempt of figurative-intuitive understanding of the tsar and the ‘people’s defender’ through the appeal to traditional patterns and mythological motives. It is concluded that the story dethrones the illusiveness of socio-utopian views of the people of the ‘distant land’. In Platonov’s opinion, the true understanding of the meaning of historical development is possible only through finding consciousness: the road to happiness lies through Lenin’s Moscow, where the true society of social justice and harmony is being built.
Key words A. Platonov, artistic text, folklore motive, Russian history, chronotope, socio- utopian views of the people, the image of the ‘tsar-redeemer’ and ‘people’s defender’.
Article information
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Full articleA. Platonov’s Artistic Text through the Prism of Real and Folk History