Article |
Article name |
Actual Content of Dagestan Pre-Revolutionary Literature (Based on Manay Alibekov’s Poetry) |
Authors |
Guseynov M.A.Doctor of Philology, Leading Researcher |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
821.3 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The literary heritage of Kumyk pre-revolutionary poet Manay Alibekov (1861–1920),
which has not been properly studied, is examined in the article. His collection of works was
published for the first and only time in 1925. Afterwards separate works were published
in readers, anthologies; his poetry hasn’t been translated into Russian. The main trends,
problems, poetics of M. Alibekov’s work are described in this article. Nowadays, topicality of
his poetry is determined by sharp criticism of officialdom wallowed in bribery and corruption,
representatives of the clergy worrying only about their own interests, that is organically
interpolated in the modern reality.
Besides, Manay Alibekov defended the humanitarian, democratic values by his poetry.
In particular the poet hoped in elected bodies of power which started to function in Russia
at the beginning of the past century, enthusiastically spoke about the Russian State Duma.
It is these aspects of his creative work and positive perception of the State Duma elected
in the tsarist period that were a reason of skeptical relations to his heritage in the soviet
period. In fact, M. Alibekov’s poetry in whole turned out to be deleted from literary process
for a long period of time. It was described by Dagestan literary critics with limitations, in
reduced format. This article appeals to demonstrate the value of M. Alibekov’s poetry which
is popular among contemporary readers.
Key words |
Dagestan pre-revolutionary literature, literary heritage and the present. |
Article information |
References |
1. Abdullatipov A. K.-Ju. Istorija kumykskoj literatury (do 1917 goda). Mahachkala: Izd-vo Dagestan-skogo nauchnogo
centra RAN, 1995. 214 s.
2. Akavov Z. N. Dialog vremjon. Mahachkala: Dagestanskoe kn. izd-vo, 1996. 325 s.
3. Aliev S. M.-S. Doroga v sovremennost’. Mahachkala: Dagestanskoe kn. izd-vo, 1977. 147 s.
4. Musahanova G. B. Ocherki kumykskoj dorevoljucionnoj literatury. Mahachkala: Izd-vo Dagestanskogo fil. AN SSSR,
1959. 116 s.
5. Sobranie sochinenij Manaja Alibekova (Manaj Alibekzadeni mazhmua asary). Bujnaksk: Izd-vo Dagpolitprosveta,
1925. 146 s. (Na kum. jaz.)
6. Sultanov K. D. Literatura kumykov. Mahachkala: Dagestanskoe kn. izd-vo, 1964. 213 s. (Na kum. jaz.)
7. Chobanzade B. Zametki o jazyke i slovesnosti kumykov // Izvestija vostochnogo fakul’teta Azerbaj-dzhanskogo
gos. un-ta. Baku: Tretij internacional, 1926. 104 s. (Na azerb. jaz.) |
Full article | Actual Content of Dagestan Pre-Revolutionary Literature (Based on Manay Alibekov’s Poetry) |