Article name Freedom of Speech as a Concept of Modern Media Text
Authors Erofeeva I.V.Doctor of Philology, associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 8:05
Article type
Annotation The paper presents linguistic-culturological analysis of the concept ‘freedom of speech’ that is integrated into the dominant information flow of the modern mass media. The author states that in Russia attitude to freedom of speech is caused by dichotomous consciousness of a Russian man, objectified in lexemes svoboda and volya. The content of a conceptual field of a construct is formulated based on the extensive empirical material (more than 100 media texts). The following frames are focused on taking into consideration the general content, etymology and the concept’s history: ‘svoboda is happiness’, ‘svoboda for – conciliarism and love to another person’, ‘svoboda from – there are some restrictions: duty, order, respect, truth’, ‘svoboda – way/space, moral efforts and choice’, ‘svoboda as a means to high ends of a society’, ‘svoboda without restrictions and responsibility is manifestation of a comprehensive sense of freedom’. Differentiation of the cognitive structures of svoboda and volya enables to demonstrate the polar codes and different expressions of freedom of speech in the mass media.
Key words media text, concept, freedom of speech, volya, national model of the world, dichotomous consciousness, representation.
Article information
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