Article |
Article name |
Poetics in House, M. D. TV series (USA, 2004–2012): Narrative, Mythology, Pragmatics |
Authors |
Plevako S.V.Master of Journalism, Lecturer |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
792.097 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to a textual component of modern TV series. There is an attempt
of philological interpretation of television series through the analysis of narrative structures,
characters, mythological and pragmatic level of the text. The empirical material is the cult
television series of the last decade House, M. D. (USA, 2004–2012). The article reveals
the specifics of detective narrative structure of the series, explores the creating techniques
of a character, and discovers a deep mythological subtext of House. Interpretation of the
inner meanings of the series text allows the author to observe extra-textual level and to
describe the specificity of communicative interaction in the paradigm ‘the author – the
viewer’. The pragmatic level of the series is composed of two key components: the actual
story implementing the narrative of medical investigation which is based on semantic gaps
and effect of stress; and the character corresponding to modern viewer request (charisma,
genius, a trickster and a star). In addition, the show is filled with national (U. S.) and crosscultural
archetypes, it is intertextual and inscribed in mass cultural context.
Key words |
poetics of television series, detective narrative, trickster, House, M. D., micronarration
and macronarration, mythology of television series. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Poetics in House, M. D. TV series (USA, 2004–2012): Narrative, Mythology, Pragmatics |