Article |
Article name |
Media Image of Russian in Textbooks of Russian as a Foreign Language on the Basis of the Internet Resources (Digital Pedagogical Technologies) |
Authors |
Akishina A.A.Candidate of Philology, Professor reception@atiso.ruTryapel’nikov A.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
a811.161.1 a378 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Rapid progress in the development of computer hardware, computer networks and
telecommunications opens new possibilities in the field of information and computer
technologies in teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL). Media image of the Russian
language is largely shaped by new innovative tools for submission and processing of
information. Modern technology of teaching RFL should keep pace with technological
developments and the use of the new opportunities provided. The article considers
the methodological problems of integration of modern information and communication
technologies in teachingRFL related to the need to consider the features of the existence
and functioning of information in its digital representation in the global Internet space. The
authors revealed signs of conceptual dynamics of neoplasms in such a chain of linguistic
phenomena as text – hypertext – cyber-text due to the dynamics of ICT development.
The paper emphasizes importance of support in modern methodological studies on the
application of information technology in language learning for technological foundation in
the technical, historical and progressive development. This is important in determining the
methodological premises to the use of innovative technologies in the educational process.
The article notes that the text (hypertext) moves into cyberspace and loses its usual “final”,
completed quality, becoming a “digitized, ready for distribution, not constrained by the
content of the form”, i. e. the content. Conversely, the content being extracted from the
digital representation is used for training purposes as a text in its single, coherent and
static form. The authors of the article put forward the following statements, methodological
assumptions: 1. Today supervisors and researchers must focus on digital and information
direction of computer didactics (“cyber-direction”); 2. Questions on text semiotics in case
of access to the digital content in the selection of information to train RFL should be a
priority in modern methodological studies; 3. Teacher’s lively participation is necessary,
it is a determining principle in generating meanings and images that he draws from the
sampled content and represents to the student through the text; 4. Finally, professional
skills required (more and more in addition to the existing) competence can help teachers
to use digital learning tools in their professional activity. The authors concentrate on these
statements making a contribution to the image of the Russian language in media space
and modern teaching aids represented in the article (as part of a creative team).
Key words |
Russian as a foreign language, innovative educational technologies, the
Internet, cyberspace, text, hypertext, cybertext, digital learning, computer linguodidactics,
media image of the Russian language. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Media Image of Russian in Textbooks of Russian as a Foreign Language on the Basis of the Internet Resources (Digital Pedagogical Technologies) |