Article name The Dependence of the Radii of the Atoms in Binary Ionic Crystals with Cubic Lattice on the Nuclear Charge
Authors Sidorov A.A.Candidate of Physics and Mathematics
Starchenko V.M. Doctor of Science (Biology), associate professor, chief of the Laboratory of Botany, Botanical Garden-Institute
Matyuta A.A.Postgraduate Student
Kulchenkov Y.A.Senior teacher, Department of General Physics a-a-
Bibliographic description
UDK 548.3
Article type
Annotation The dependence of the radii of the atoms in binary ionic crystals with cubic lattice on the charge of the nucleus is inveshigated. Using the postulate of the stability of the crystal lattice, we determine the ratio between the radii of the ions and the lattice parameter in binary cubic crystals with the structure of NaCl, CsCl, and fluorite.
Key words ion, crystal lattice, electron density.
Article information
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Full articleThe Dependence of the Radii of the Atoms in Binary Ionic Crystals with Cubic Lattice on the Nuclear Charge