Article |
Article name |
Vitalist Sociology of Bydloizatsiya as the Basis of Scientific Support for Overcoming the Crisis in ContemporaryRussian Society |
Authors |
Grigorjev S.I.Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Education
Bibliographic description |
Section |
301 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article presents the main results of а vitalist sociological research regarding the spread of
‘bydloizatsiya’, а current phenomenon in the mass consciousness and social life of Russia. The selected
approach represents the development of а special midrange sociological theory, reflecting а socially
important trend in the evolution of Russian society and having analogies in social, spiritual and cultural
processes in the modern world. The basic research methodology is а cultural-vitalist model of sociology
of vitality of man and society which proposes the research principle of correspondence between vital
forces and people’s living space in certain socio-historical and socio-cultural conditions. This model
infers the estimates of the peculiarities of population bydloizatsiya both in the USSR and in modern Russia,
the interconnection of these processes and their common featuresrelated to the disruption of the successive
social and cultural life in the Russian Federation, vulgar revolutionism and economocentrism.
The findings mау be useful for social institutions, spheres of production, management and education.
Key words |
social culture, everyday consciousness, socio-cultural differentiation, bydloizatsiya
of peoplе’s lifestyle, bydloizatsiya of mass consciousness, sociology of bydloizatsiya, bydloizatsiya
of personality, social health, social diseases, social deviations, social efficiency, social partnership,
continuing education. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Vitalist Sociology of Bydloizatsiya as the Basis of Scientific Support for Overcoming the Crisis in ContemporaryRussian Society |