Article |
Article name |
Culture of Healthy Lifestyle |
Authors |
Krylatov S.A.Postgraduate Student, Department of Pedagogy |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
316.334:796.01 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The processes taking place in the modern world actualize the problem of creating a culture of
healthy living. On the one hand, the study of this problem is dictated by demographic processes, the
growth of the environmental, social risks caused by man, and against him, his health. On the other
hand, the decisive factor for socio-economic development today is the human resource. It is this resource
that the future of civilization, country, state, and people depends on. Development of human
capital is determined by such factors as education and health. The article defines lifestyle, health,
healthy lifestyle. The study presents the indicators of a culture of healthy lifestyle and its structure
which includes resources of health, health potential, health rent. The author substantiates the idea that
health care is an important source of economic development in today’s society, which has been earlier
considered only as a consuming and unproductive branch.
Key words |
lifestyle, health, healthy lifestyle, culture of healthy lifestyle, health resources,
health potential, health rent. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Culture of Healthy Lifestyle |