Article |
Article name |
Taoism as a Harmonization Factor of Contemporary Chinese Society |
Authors |
Hou Lin ..Postgraduate Student houlin0618@hotmail.comStremitskaya A.A.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
22 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to Taosism in contemporary Chinese society in which under conditions of
the technological progress interest to religion as a rich cultural heritage of mankind is increasing. The
authors investigate various aspects of Taosism and develop the meaning of the key categories (tao,
chi etc.) that are the basis of this religious-philosophical tradition. The article also concentrates on the
individual perception of scientific, philosophical and religious worldview, purpose and meaning of
human life, diversity of knowledge and their functioning in the 21st century. All these features are the
main trends of the development of human mentality. The authors come to the conclusion that Taoism
is a unique eco-ethical thinking aimed at harmonization of relations “human-nature” and “personperson”
relations (a person is in harmony within him/ herself).
Key words |
Taoism, ethics, qigong, five prohibitions, philosophy. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Taoism as a Harmonization Factor of Contemporary Chinese Society |