Article name Cultural Heritage and Socio-Cultural Factors of the Problem of Vocational Education Modernization in China
Authors Gomboeva M.I.Doctor of Cultural Studies, professor
Zamoshnikova N.N.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Guo Sin ..Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 377(510)
Article type
Annotation Ideology, statistics and trends are the system of vocational education in modern China. The basic principles of the program of China educational reform long-term development were published in July 2010. It signified the beginning of the modern stage of vocational education development in the country. The main objective of this program is the construction of modern vocational education system for the country entry into a new stage of an innovative economy development. Respectively, ideologists of the reform formulated four main tasks of its realization such as construction of modern system of professional education, creation of production and the cooperation mechanism in the field of education with the enterprises on the basis of introduction of innovations, updating of professional education control system in a situation of system changes; development of system of social justice. The situation with the modernization of vocational education has changed significantly over the past two years. Certainly, there are problems, gaps and shortcomings in the field of education modernization in China, but in general, the organization of changes, introductions of innovations is much higher than in Russia. Additionally, the society’s and the elite’s target attitude – to create something truly meaningful and necessary for the country – is very important in this situation. It would be possible to borrow administrative culture, organization and culture of change management from the system of professional training in China. The first part of this article contains the statistical data reflecting the priority trends in the vocational education’s development in modern China. The second part of this article shows how to overcome the problem of the lack of qualified specialists for technological profile, the lack of the technical intellectuals connected with the negligence to professional education.
Key words cultural heritage, socio-cultural factors, vocational education, professional competence, program of modernization of vocational education.
Article information
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Full articleCultural Heritage and Socio-Cultural Factors of the Problem of Vocational Education Modernization in China