Article name Techniques of Measurement of Research Activity Efficiency in Higher Education Institution and their Functional Definiteness in the System of Internal Quality Assurance Providing
Authors Gomboeva M.I.Doctor of Cultural Studies, professor
Zamoshnikova N.N.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 001.89:378
Article type
Annotation According to quality management system requirements of higher education institution, the authors of this article carried out analysis of organization of scientific research management in ZABSHPU, summed up the scientific research results of the last year. The main purpose of this paper is determination of the operational importance and functional definiteness of the main techniques of the scientific research efficiency measurement of the university departments. The research is based on qualitative methodology combining the expert analysis of the main techniques for monitoring of research activity efficiency in higher education institution. The results of university research activity were investigated by the four determination techniques of the scientific research efficiency: techniques of determination of compliance to accreditation indicators of scientific research efficiency and higher education institution status; monitoring of the efficiency of the higher education organizations; methodologies of the educational institution ranking and rating by the National Foundation for Professional Training (NFPT); methodologies of the Agency for Higher Education Quality Control and Career Development (AHEQCCD) based on the providing internal quality assurances at the level of university educational programs. The authors come to the conclusion that all used determining techniques of scientific research efficiency are functionally defined. It provides long-term control of the motivational component of the university professors and teaching staff (PTS) on the basis of valid data.
Key words monitoring of the university effectiveness, scientific research, determination of scientific research efficiency in higher education institution, efficiency indicators, methodology of determining of the educational institution effectiveness.
Article information
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Full articleTechniques of Measurement of Research Activity Efficiency in Higher Education Institution and their Functional Definiteness in the System of Internal Quality Assurance Providing