Article |
Article name |
Some Features of the Buryat Traditional Conceptual Cosmology: Substantiality and Relativism as Characteristics of Culture |
Authors |
Zhanaev A.T.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
811.512.31 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper attempts to provide some features of the conceptual structure of the Buryat ethnic
consciousness in a comparative perspective on the example of linguistic material. In European thinking,
the substance had characteristics of real essence, which allowed believing in the permanence and
stability of the physical and social world. In contrast, the Eastern world view is based on the principle
of communication and variability. In this world the essence has the meaning of movement, dynamics
and permanent formation. In this regard, as well as on the basis of linguistic analysis, the specific
characteristics of the Buryat concept are its dynamic nature and inability to conceptualize abstract
quality. According to the author, these features must be taken into account for further consideration
and interpretation of the linguistic material.
Key words |
conceptual structures, the Buryat language, categorization, substantial and relative
worldviews. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Some Features of the Buryat Traditional Conceptual Cosmology: Substantiality and Relativism as Characteristics of Culture |