Article |
Article name |
Ratio of Global and National Characteristics in Russian Web Design |
Authors |
Lyashenko E.S.Junior Researcher |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
008 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to website features of the Russian Internet in the context of a ratio of
global and national characteristics. Research of Runet creolized texts confirmed the idea that modern
design of the Russian sites is characterized by adoption of the western ways of morphogenesis.The
author emphasizes that one of the main mechanisms promoting development of domestic web design
and integration of the Russian segment of the Internet culture into global one is Russia’s participation
in international projects. On an example of Runet, electronic images typical for the Internet culture
were investigated. Electronic images of the Russian Internet have the specifics corresponding to the
changing stage of culture. It was proved that different types of content websites move to the corresponding
segment. Graphic symbols of web design are considered as special web phenomena. Some
features of electronic folklore were investigated.Within the scope of websites research, the analysis
of demotivator posters was made. Semantic, axiological, phenomenological methods, as well as comparative
and iconological analysis of a work of art were used for our research.
Key words |
Internet culture, the Internet, web design, Runet, website, globalization, information
culture. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Ratio of Global and National Characteristics in Russian Web Design |