Article name The Alternative Training of the Second Year Students of the Pediatric Faculty of Chita State Medical Academy
Authors Batayeva E.P.Candidate of Medicine
Lyubina M.S.Candidate of Medicine, Assistant of Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases Department
Panchenko A.S.Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor
Petrukhina I.I.Candidate of Medicine
Potapova N.L.Candidate of Medicine
Maksimova O.G.Candidate of Medicine
Bibliographic description
UDK 378:347.96
Article type
Annotation The authors presented results of alternative volunteer training of students of pediatric faculty of Chita state medical academy. This project combined professional training “Helper of a charge nurse”, which includes the development of skills in child care and volunteer activities. Volunteer activity as a self-control element allowed junior students to realize responsibility and to organize not only elements of practical caring, but also to hold informative events (for younger age children), to carry out educational events and to give psychological support to children, being on hospital admission. The authors revealed the powerful positive potential and desire of students to do the volunteer help. In this regard, authors suggest using more widely the integrated approach to the traditional practice.
Key words The voluntary activity, Alternative practice, independent students’ work.
Article information
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Full articleThe Alternative Training of the Second Year Students of the Pediatric Faculty of Chita State Medical Academy