Article |
Article name |
Team Building as a Method of Increasing the Contentment with the Labor and the Level of Development of the Small Social Working Group |
Authors |
Kulganov V.A.Doctor of Medicine, Professor kulganof@mail.ruNovikova A.S.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
UDK | |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article examines the interdependence of indicators of the contentment with labor and the
level of development of small social groups, as well as an opportunity to improve these indicators
using the teambuilding. Article considers the story of the development of the method and reveals its
essence, factors and different interpretations in modern business-system. We studied the working
team, conducted ascertaining experiment to determine the values of the parameters, and the correlation
between them. We described the contents of the formative experiment, and presented the results of
control tests, as well as correlation analysis of newly obtained data. We conclude that between the
level of development of small social groups and contentment of its members with their labor there’s a
certain connection, and using the team building method it’s possible to have a positive impact on one
by increasing the other.
Key words |
team-building, working teams, contentment with labor, the level of development of
small social groups, correlation analysis. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Team Building as a Method of Increasing the Contentment with the Labor and the Level of Development of the Small Social Working Group |