Article |
Article name |
Identity and Identification as Components of Information and Psychological Security |
Authors |
Mokhova S.Y.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
159 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to socio-cultural process directed at providing the information and
psychological security. The author identifies self-preservation instinct, which has three ways of
behavior in dangerous situation; identification as a mechanism of psychological protection; sociopsychological
level of psychological system providing security.
Identification is studied as a psychological process which gives the possibility to penetrate into
the cultural sense of the traditional culture and to stand against simulation of security (this simulation
takes a person away from really existing socio-economic situation) and imaginary images and
simulacra with multiple copies having forms but existing without contents.
A viewer of violence, disasters, dramas and tragedies feels safe. What happens in a film does
not happen to him. He is not given any possibility to understand inside life of a character and he can
just see main events. Disengagement as a simulation of illusion of security takes a person away from
reality and main questions of being.
Key words |
information and psychological security, identification, identity, sign, meaning,
personal and cultural sense, psychological perception, simulacra. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Identity and Identification as Components of Information and Psychological Security |