Article name Identity and Identification as Components of Information and Psychological Security
Authors Mokhova S.Y.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 159
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to socio-cultural process directed at providing the information and psychological security. The author identifies self-preservation instinct, which has three ways of behavior in dangerous situation; identification as a mechanism of psychological protection; sociopsychological level of psychological system providing security. Identification is studied as a psychological process which gives the possibility to penetrate into the cultural sense of the traditional culture and to stand against simulation of security (this simulation takes a person away from really existing socio-economic situation) and imaginary images and simulacra with multiple copies having forms but existing without contents. A viewer of violence, disasters, dramas and tragedies feels safe. What happens in a film does not happen to him. He is not given any possibility to understand inside life of a character and he can just see main events. Disengagement as a simulation of illusion of security takes a person away from reality and main questions of being.
Key words information and psychological security, identification, identity, sign, meaning, personal and cultural sense, psychological perception, simulacra.
Article information
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Full articleIdentity and Identification as Components of Information and Psychological Security