Article |
Article name |
Method of Development of Subject Nature Perception Within Ecological-Psychological Approach |
Authors |
Greze E.V.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description |
Section |
159.922.2:502 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article notes that one of the reasons of immaturity of ecological consciousness of people is low
efficiency of ecological education of the population. Special value gets the search of mechanisms and
development tools of ecological consciousness. The article observes the original method of ecologypsychological
drill “The Unity”. The developed method of development of subject perception of
nature, based on principles of psychology-pedagogical correction of subjective attitude toward nature,
is directed on development of ecological consciousness. Personality’s experiencing of psychological
unity with living creatures is methodically achieved with the help of intellectualization of negative
emotions, authentications with animal and his subjectification. In the process of training there are
high-quality and quantitative changes of basic of structural components of ecological consciousness,
such as: perception of natural objects, ecological settings, ecological thought, subjective attitude
toward natural objects, orientation on nature protection activity.
Key words |
ecology-psychological method, negative psychological releasers, identification and
empathy, development of subject perception of Nature, students. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Method of Development of Subject Nature Perception Within Ecological-Psychological Approach |