Article name Notes on Teaching the Theme «Consciousness» in Medical Institute
Authors Morozov L.T.Candidate of Medcine, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.9.
Article type
Annotation This paper discusses the need for a clear definition of the concept “consciousness” as a psychological category, but not philosophical or ethical. There is an attempt to give such definition. The use of the meanings of the word “consciousness” in medical practice in the case of persons with a low level of mental development (babies, persons with mental retardation, dementia), as well as with delirium causes the contradictions is considered on this bases. In medicine, the word “consciousness” is used in two meanings: in the conventional psychological reflexive meaning and as its prerequisite: at low levels of mental activation («clarity») and objective consciousness. Also it is incorporated the interpretation with the consciousness of a number of related concepts. The author proposes a figure graphically showing the relatedness of the levels of consciousness development in ontogenesis forms of clinical impairment of consciousness.
Key words consciousness, development, discrepancy, intellect, conscience, personality, disorders of consciousness, correlation.
Article information
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Full articleNotes on Teaching the Theme «Consciousness» in Medical Institute