Article |
Article name |
Forming Future Doctos’ Skills to Fulfill Professional Tasks in Trained Doctors Based on Knowledge and Skills in Physics as an Integrated Approach |
Authors |
Birukova A.N. |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In order to provide maximum humanitarian help to a patient, a doctor has to be skilled to
fulfill tasks of their professional activity using knowledge including knowledge in Physics. In the
article the author shows the role of Physics as a way to form future doctors’ skills to fulfill tasks of
their professional activity in a Medical Institution of Higher Education. Detailed professional tasks
of a doctor are presented focusing on the ways to fulfill them based on knowledge and skills in
Physics. There are outlined tasks of preventative, diagnostic and treatment activities of a doctor
which could be fulfilled by knowledge and skills in Physics. In the article the skills to fulfill professional
tasks based on knowledge and skills in Physics are considered as a professional integrated
approach. Structures and contents of these skills are presented in the article. As a special way
of forming skills to fulfill professional tasks in trained doctors based on knowledge and skills in
Physics, when they are studying at Medical Institution of Higher Education, professionally oriented
exercises in Physics are offered.
Key words |
future doctors, Physics, problems of professional activity, professional skills. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Forming Future Doctos’ Skills to Fulfill Professional Tasks in Trained Doctors Based on Knowledge and Skills in Physics as an Integrated Approach |