Article name Activation of Students’ Cognitive Activity in the Study of History Course of the Ancient World
Authors Drobotushenko Y.V.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Myasnikova G.V.Senior Teacher
Pryazhennikova M. .Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Yaremchuk O.A.Candidate of History, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.016
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the problem of the students’ cognitive activity activation in the higher education institutions, taking into account the specifics of teaching disciplines of the historical cycle. The authors give an overview of the available scientific publications on the work on the cognitive activity of students of universities. The ways of activation of cognitive activity in the history studying were defined. As one of the most important methods for enhancing students’ cognitive activity, the authors note the use of technical and audio-visual training aids. The procedure of application videos is considered in the article in detall. The authors consider them to be informative, but highly biased historical sources, in this regard, the great attention is paid to their checking. The basis of the published material is practical experience of teaching the subject “History of the Ancient World” at the History Department of the Transbaikal State University.
Key words history, historical education, lectures, seminars, cognitive activity.
Article information
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Full articleActivation of Students’ Cognitive Activity in the Study of History Course of the Ancient World