Article name Socially Significant Activity as a Condition of Students’ Socialization and Self-Realization
Authors Kalinina L.I.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The author of the article concentrates on the analysis of the social oriented activity approach to the young generation’s problems solving. The uniqueness of these approach is that it can be considered to be not only the solution of the young people’s problems but also as a mean for enhancing youth’s intellectual potential and professional competence in its sociopolitical, scientific and pedagogical aspects as well. The author introduces students’ social oriented activity in an educational institution and explains why this activity should go through qualitative and organizational changes and be mainly expressed and regulated in a form of a project. Project work is stated to be one of the components of pedagogical work of a student. The characteristics of this practical pedagogical activity with its main features and principles based upon the pedagogical research analysis are included. The reflection of these principles is shown with the unique features of this social oriented work. The examples of students’ involving into the process of socialization and self-actualization through participation in social oriented work are given.
Key words practical activity, socialization of youth, self-actualization of youth, project work, organizational culture.
Article information
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Full articleSocially Significant Activity as a Condition of Students’ Socialization and Self-Realization