Article |
Article name |
Model of Laboratory Work on Physics in the Aspect of Development of Students’ Technical Skills in Secondary Professional Educational Institutions of Railway Transport |
Authors |
Rogalev A.V.Teacher |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
377 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to the problems of the technical skills development of the students
of the secondary professional educational institutions while taking the interdisciplinary practical
course on physics. Having analyzed, the author makes a conclusion that the fundamental notions
and laws of physics must be a basis for the formation of the technical skills. The kinds of professional
activities of future specialists, who are trained in the specialty “The technical operation of
railway rolling stock”, were defined and the list of laboratory works, forming the technical skills of
the students, was represented.
The example of the laboratory work was defined and proved; it reflects the specificity of
contents and structure of laboratory work of interdisciplinary practical course on physics. The
structure and approximate contents of the laboratory work, named “The research of the principle
of the starting-brake rheostat’s work”, were represented. Having carried out the experiment and
having got the results, the author makes a conclusion, that realization of the given laboratory
works of the interdisciplinary practical course on physics allows to carry out the focused work on
the development of technical skills, technical thinking and professional competences of students
as future specialists of railway transport.
Key words |
technical skills, technical thinking, professional activities, interdisciplinary laboratory
practical course, individual educational trajectory. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Model of Laboratory Work on Physics in the Aspect of Development of Students’ Technical Skills in Secondary Professional Educational Institutions of Railway Transport |