Article |
Article name |
Creating the System of Continuous Ethno-Regional Teachers’ Training: Problem Discussion |
Authors |
Miroshnichenko V.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
376.74 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article, based on the analysis of the situation in the ethnic regions, gives the idea of the
necessity of a special ethno-regional teachers’ training. The essence of ethno-regional training in
its connection with other teachers’ training trends is considered.
The necessity for scientific analysis and practical solution of the problem of ethno-regional
teachers’ training is determined by a number of contradictions which appear on the methodological,
theoretical and content-technological levels.
As a result of the different viewpoints analysis on the teachers’ training from a regional perspective,
a conclusion about the conceptual model construction of such training is made.
The article deals with the requirements faced by the system of continuous teacher training in
our country. The author analyzes various perspectives on the construction of regional system of
the continuous training. The necessity of the regional university complexes development to solve
the problem of ethno-regional teacher’s training is substantiated.
Key words |
system of continuous teacher’s training, trends in the development of continuous
teacher’s training, university complex, ethno-regional training. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Creating the System of Continuous Ethno-Regional Teachers’ Training: Problem Discussion |