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Article name | Development of Information System “Research Work of Higher Education Institution Teaching Staff” |
Authors | Kholmogorova E.I.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor Manukhina O.V.graduate student |
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UDK | 37 : 001.89 |
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Annotation | The paper deals with a problem of information system development to keep records and analyze the results of research work of higher education institution teaching staff. The authors focus on urgency of such information systems application and explain the necessity of own information system developing. Concrete steps on developing the information system “Research Work of Higher Education Institution Teaching Staff” under the support of the State Project №8. 8111. 2013 are proposed. Detailed requirements of the information system development are given. This research lays the foundation for further research into the development of this information system. Further stages of the work will be presented in publications and located on |
Key words | research work, record of research results, analysis of research results, automation of research, information system, data base, software application. |
Article information | |
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Full article | Development of Information System “Research Work of Higher Education Institution Teaching Staff” |