Article |
Article name |
Professional Self-Perfection of a Higher School’s Teacher as a Subject of Self-Cognitive Activity |
Authors |
Cherkashina T.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378: 177 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Professional self-perfection as an indisputable fact of the evolutionary development of selfactualization
of a reasonably thinking subject of pedagogical activity is dictated by social demand
due to the increased demands of modern education system. Based on the logic of knowledge and
the development of personal power, in the application to the pedagogical activity one can assert:
the teacher, consciously investigating himself, is value not only as a professional knowledge
carrier, but also as a generator of spiritual and moral principles, confirming with the help of personal
example the absolute need of self-improvement in the personal potential realization of creativity.
Key words |
self-actualization, professional and personal self-perfection, mental immune
system, reasonably thinking subject of pedagogical activity. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Professional Self-Perfection of a Higher School’s Teacher as a Subject of Self-Cognitive Activity |