Article |
Article name |
The Cognitive and Regulatory ULA Formation by Means of Thematic and Reflective Language Portfolio |
Authors |
Shakhova T.M.graduate student |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
371 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to the problem of cognitive and regulatory ULA formation by the means
of thematic and reflexive language portfolio. This formation of universal learning activities for
students is one of the primary objectives of secondary education and of the Russian language
teaching according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation. The
Technology “Language Portfolio” is among the means for students’ cognitive and regulatory ULA
formation in the modern practice of the Russian language teaching. Thematic and reflective
language portfolio helps students at all levels of their study. The article describes the structure
and content of the thematic and linguistic reflective portfolios, developed by the author. Also the
paper supports the ground for the possibility of cognitive and regulatory ULA formation by the
means of linguistic portfolios data.
Key words |
Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation, technology
“Language Portfolio”, thematic language portfolio, reflective language portfolio, universal learning
activities (ULA), cognitive and regulatory ULA, reflection, self-esteem, motivation, educational
activities. |
Article information |
References |
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Professionalnoye obrazovaniye, teoriya i metodika obucheniya. № 6 (47). 2012. S. 83–92. |
Full article | The Cognitive and Regulatory ULA Formation by Means of Thematic and Reflective Language Portfolio |