Article name Problems of Studying Medicinal Plants of Zabaikalye
Authors Antsupova T.P.Candidate of Biology, Professor
Endonova G.B.Candidate of Biology
Masur L.V.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Pavlova E.P.Candidate of Biology
Bibliographic description
UDK 581.192.02(571.54/.55)
Article type
Annotation The goal of the present paper is to study the plants of Zabaikalye, which are prospective for medical application. The authors present the research results of biologically active substances of 51 species of plants. According to the test, the presence of such biologically active substances as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, ascorbic acid and others, as well as the microelements content was established. As a result, correlation dependence between biologically active substunces accumulation on the one hand and microelements and eco-geographical factors on the other hand was established. For some species a preliminary pharmacological study was carried out. On the basis of this study, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, wound healing and anti-inflammatory action of extracts derived from plants was found out.
Key words plant, biologically active substances, vegetation phase, ecological and geographical factors.
Article information
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Full articleProblems of Studying Medicinal Plants of Zabaikalye