Article name Systematic analysis of Elms flora in the Eastern Transbaikalia
Authors Butina N.A.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 582.635.1
Article type
Annotation The systematic analysis of elms flora with Ulmus pumila L., U. macrocarpa Hance, U. japonica (Rehd.) the Eastern Transbaikalia is presented in the article. It was elucidated that the basis of elm flora of the region is seed-covered plants, including 173 varieties (98,8 %), where dicotyledonous plants of 145 varieties prevail (81 % of all seed-covered plants), monocotyledonous include 31 varieties (19 %). The participation of cryptogamous plants is minimal (1,7 %). In the result of the systematic analysis it was exposed that the complex of elms species forms includes 42 families of 125 genera. Systematic structure of elms flora is characterized with high heterogeneity expressed in enough high species saturation, high percentage participation of one species families, and also high percentage participation of leading families (Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Liliaceae).
Key words elms, systematic structure, Eastern Transbaikalia.
Article information
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Full articleSystematic analysis of Elms flora in the Eastern Transbaikalia