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Article name | Structure Adaptations of Amur Bank Plants to the Conditions of Existence |
Authors | Tsyrenova D.Y.Doctor of Science (Biology), associate professor Kasatkina A.P.Postgraduate Student |
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UDK | 574 + 581.5 (571.6) |
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Annotation | The anatomical researches of vegetative organs of Centipeda minima and Symphyllocarpus exilis are presented. Both of these species are river bank plants. Symphyllocarpus exilis is an Amur basing endemic. During the studying we found some typical hydromorphic signs: big epidermal cells with thin cell walls, weak differentiation of mesophylous, superficial stomata, reduction of vascular and ground tissues, aerenchyma in ground and underground organs. There are some special signs of adaptation, such as: thick first bark in central organs, aerenchyma in root after secondary changes, operation of the leaf endodermis as additional assimilation tissue and suberin in the stalk endodermis. Both studied species combine features of patiens and eksplerents. |
Key words | Centipeda minima, Symphyllocarpus exilis, vegetative organs anatomy, adaptations, Amur riverside banks. |
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Full article | Structure Adaptations of Amur Bank Plants to the Conditions of Existence |