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Article name | Effect of Growth Regulating on Seed Germination of Larix Gmelinii (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr.) |
Authors | Fomenko A.S.Postgraduate Student Dulin A.F.Candidate of Science (Biology), associate professor |
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UDK | 581.142 |
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Annotation | The authors study the effect of growth regulators on seed germination of Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. in the laboratory. These are: salicylic acid and the chemical preparation “Zircon”. They found out two concentrations of salicylic acid: 10-3M and 5*10-4M to low germination time parameters of larch seeds. Seed treatment with chemical preparation “Zircon” (0.02 ml / l) and mixture of “Zircon” with salicylic acid does not affect to the speed of seed germination. The authors put their attention on analysis of sequence of morphogenetic stages of seedling growth and got data on existence of salicylic acid stimulation activity for the root and stem growth with all concentrations tested, but the most pronounced effect was observed at concentrations of 5*10-4 and 10-4M. Also they study the effect of seed treatment with salicylic acid and “Zircon” on content of chlorophyll in seedlings. Salicylic acid in a concentration of 10-3M contributed to the increase of chlorophyll A, but reduced chlorophyll B. Total chlorophyll content increased by the “Zircon”. Combined use of growth regulators is accompanied by some reduction in the content of chlorophyll A and content increases of chlorophyll B. The authors mark the increasing of activity of catalase by 37–50 % in seedlings grown from seeds treated with salicylic acid and “Zir con”. |
Key words | phytohormone, salicylic acid, “Zircon”, seeds germination, Larix gmelinii. |
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Full article | Effect of Growth Regulating on Seed Germination of Larix Gmelinii (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr.) |