Article name Some Aspects of the Amur Sleeper Biology (Perccottus glenii) – Alien Specie in the River Shilka Basin
Authors Gorlachev V.P.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Gorlachyova Y.P.Candidate of Science (Biology), senior research assistant
Bibliographic description
UDK 597.1. 591
Article type
Annotation The Amur sleeper was missed in the ichthyofauna of Transbaikal Siberia. Its appearance was noticed in the waters of the Upper Amur basin, including the Shilka River at the end of the last century. Habitability conditions of the Amur sleeper in the Shilka, its morphological features, its size and weight characteristics, its fatness and peculiarities of its feeding were researched. The study reveals some differences in the metrical features of the Amur sleeper in different water tracks of the Shilka. Size estimation shows that the Amur sleeper is flexible and possesses great adaptive capabilities. Feeding peculiarities of the Amur sleeper are characterized by a wide ecological range enabling it to feed on diverse fodder organisms and promptly switch from carnivorous to euryphagous type of feeding. The study shows that in the water bodies of the Shilka basin the Amur sleeper reproduces fast, reaches great numbers and is able greatly to damage the aboriginal ichthyofauna that contains valuable and endemic fish species.
Key words Amur sleeper, the Shilka, the Upper Amur basin, ichthyofauna, morphological features, weight and size characteristics, fatness, peculiarities of feeding, commercial fishing importance.
Article information
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Full articleSome Aspects of the Amur Sleeper Biology (Perccottus glenii) – Alien Specie in the River Shilka Basin