Article |
Article name |
Theonymic Precedent in German Social Communication |
Authors |
Kerimov R.D.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor kerimovrus@rambler.ruFedyanina L.I.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
811.112.2’243 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper examines the cognitive and semantic features of theomorphic metaphors in
current German political communication. We present an analysis of the social roles religion
plays as a key marker of social life in today’s world in general and in Germany in particular.
In social communications, metaphors can be based on meanings of words that are fixed in
the usage, in dictionaries, and in proverbs and sayings; on the other hand, metaphors can
be based on creative occasional imagery which arise from the context of political speeches and the language of media. In the latter case, however, occasional metaphors are quite often
built upon the usage meanings, whose scope is invigorated, expanded and augmented.
German conceptual metaphor describes various political and economic aspects in the life
of the state and the society in Germany, reflecting the stereotypes and concepts of Germany’s
political culture and language in general. The theomorphic source domain of German
political metaphor covers a range of concepts from Christianity (to a greater extent) and
from other, non-Christian religions (to a lesser extent) such as: names of prominent religious
figures, biblical characters, stories and quotations from the Bible, and Christian cults.
The paper discusses the theonymic nominations – the common realities of the religion and
the names of the key religious figures – that are observed in Germany’s current social and
political communication. We carry out cognitive linguistic analysis to identify and describe
occasional as well as usage-based metaphors. The usage-based metaphors are primarily
deployed to name a religion and its adherents. The occasional imagery denotes a variety
of social, economic and political properties of the public agenda in today’s Germany, the
European Union, and the rest of the world.
Key words |
theonym, theonymic metaphors, social communication, cognitive linguistics,
conceptual domain, linguistic worldview, the German language. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Theonymic Precedent in German Social Communication |