Article |
Article name |
Corundum Ceramics from the Powders Received from Amorphous Alumogel |
Authors |
Galakhov A.V.Candidate of Engineering Science metal@zabspu.ruZelensky V.A.Candidate of Physics and Ma-thematics, senior researcher zelensky55@bk.ruZabelin S.F.Doctor of Engineering Science, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
553.611.2 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The results of studying of agglomeration and mechanical characteristics of a material from
powders α − Al2O3, received SVS by process in nitrogen-containing the alyumigelyakh are
presented. Thanks to the low temperature of synthesis, these powders have high dispersion.
Temperature of agglomeration of the compacts formed from these powders, below similar for
the powders received from hydrooxide precursors. In the baked material the uniform fine-
grained structure providing high mechanical properties is realized. |
Key words |
korundum ceramics, synthesis of powder raw materials, hydrooxide precursors,
synthesis from amorphous alumogel. |
Article information |
References |
1. Galakhov A. V. [i dr.]. Zhidkofaznyi sintez oksinitrida alyuminiya // Uchenye zapiski
ZabGU. 2013. № 3(50). S. 2228.
2. Chalyi V. P. Gidrookisi metallov. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1972. 158 s.
3. Galakhov A. V., Zelenskii V. A., Shelekhov E. V., Kovalenko L. V. Vliyanie vody na
kristallizatsiyu α − Al2O3 v alyumogelyakh // Novye ogneupory. 2014. № 1. S. 2427.
4. Galakhov A. V., Zelenskii V. A., Shelekhov E. V., Kovalenko L. V. Vliyanie zatravki
na kristallizatsiyu α − Al2O3 v alyumogelyakh // Novye ogneupory. 2014. №2. S. 4850.
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razmeram i formal’nyi analiz kinetiki spekaniya // Doklady AN SSSR, 1991. T. 316. № 6.
S. 14441446. |
Full article | Corundum Ceramics from the Powders Received from Amorphous Alumogel |