Article |
Article name |
Application of Laser Optoacoustic Method for the Study of Elastic Modules of Metal Matrix Composite Materials, Modified by Refractory Nanoparticles |
Authors |
Kalashnikov I.Y.Candidate of Engineering kalash2605@mail.ruBolotova L.K.Research Assistant l.bolotova@mal.ruKobeleva L.I.Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher likob@mail.ruPodymova N.B.Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences npodymova@mail.ruKarabutov A.A.Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
669.018.25; 534.08; 534.8 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The laser optoacoustic method of elastic modules measurement of isotropic aluminum
matrix composites is proposed and experimentally realized. The method is based on
measurements of phase velocities of thermooptically excited pulses of longitudinal and shear
acoustic waves in samples under study. The composite samples were manufactured by reactive
cast of aluminum with titanium microparticles and nanoparticles of synthetic diamond mixed
into the melt.
Key words |
aluminum-matrix composite materials, reaction casting, micro-and nanosized
particles, microstructure, laser opto-acoustic method, longitudinal and shear acoustic waves,
elastic moduli. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Application of Laser Optoacoustic Method for the Study of Elastic Modules of Metal Matrix Composite Materials, Modified by Refractory Nanoparticles |