Article name Physics and Culture
Authors Bordonskaya L.A.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 53:008
Article type
Annotation 2014 has been announced as the Year of Culture in Russia. Culture is integral. It is a system of interrelated elements (art, science, morality, education, etc.). The paper presents science in the context of culture based on literature analysis in natural science, philosophy, cultural studies, art studies; it emphasizes cultural component of science and cultural component of physics. Interrelation between science and culture and emphasis on the cultural component of science are based on physics as one of the most important natural sciences and foundation of natural science in general which has a long history and plays a particular role in culture. The content bases of science and culture interrelation can include: science as a culture element; science and art as world culture phenomena; cultural heritage and its preservation; scientific and artistic creation, creative persons’ life activity; history of science in the context of culture. Specification of the content bases of science and culture interrelation provides the emphasis on the content elements showing science and culture interrelation, determining cultural component of science. The content elements are shown on the example of interrelation between science and art, physical methods of research and history of science.
Key words culture, science, art, physics, natural - science culture, content bases of science and culture interrelation, cultural component of physics.
Article information
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