Article name Theoretical Analysis of Communicative Tolerance
Authors Kasyanova Y.I.Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Vinogradova N.I.Doctor of Psychology, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.647.6
Article type
Annotation The authors consider the actuality of the problem of tolerance for the modern multinational and multi-confessional Russia, where different prejudices and phobias steadily increase in the mass consciousness. The authors undertake the theoretical analysis of communicative tolerance, tolerant communication in the youth environment, the philosophical study of tolerance. Being a socially-philosophical concept, tolerance is defined as tolerance of one individual to political, ethnic, confessional and other features of other individual, i.e. it implies the acceptance of ideological, religious, socio-political, cultural, national and ethical pluralism. The authors emphasize the complexity of the notion of tolerance. Analyzing the activity approach in the study of tolerance, they point out its creative nature. They emphasize that the main thing in tolerance is the activity, the interaction on the basis of equality of the social partners; it implies the conservation of individual identity of each of them and achievement of agreement on the basis of dialogue and non-violence, mostly by the methods of explanation and persuasion. The student is considered as the subject of communicative tolerance, the article presents results of the empirical sociological research. To identify the level of tolerance among students in February – March 2012 a sociological research was conducted in the Transbaikal Railway Transport Institute – the branch of the “Irkutsk Transport State University” in Chita. In the course of research, using methods of questioning, observation, interviews the authors find out the knowledge of the students about tolerance, the interpersonal level of tolerance among students. On the basis of the obtained results they propose the basic directions of tolerance formation; the article also criticizes the opponents of tolerance who consider it as the import of foreign ideas.
Key words communicative tolerance, simulacrum, tolerance, intolerance, xenophobia, violence negation, “attitude to another person”, pluralism, liberal paradigm of tolerance, social-cultural traditions of tolerance in Russia, a student as the subject of the communicative tolerance.
Article information
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Full articleTheoretical Analysis of Communicative Tolerance