Article |
Article name |
Family Based Social Support: the Institutionalization of Innovative Practices in the Russian System of Child Protection |
Authors |
Kostenko M.A.Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
364.044.24(470) |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to the problem of institutionalization of innovative help practices to
families and children in crisis. The author presents the results of the data analysis of sociological
research (2013), including a survey of experts of social service, the analysis of official documents
of the Regional Government (56 regions), also Federal and regional normative legal acts in the
sphere of children protection. The study aims to identify the most effective and innovative regional
and municipal practices and individual initiatives of social support to families and children in difficult
life situation (crisis), generalization of the results of the implementation of these practices, and
develop a model of organization of social support to families and children in difficult life situations.
The article presents the results of the conceptual analysis developing Russia family-oriented
approach in the organization of social assistance to children with a high risk of losing parental
care; the system of basic notions characterizing the description of practical activities on social
support to families and children in difficult life situation (early detection and early assistance) and in a socially dangerous situation; describes the mechanisms of the regulatory-legal framework
of the subjects activity of prevention against families in socially dangerous situation and ways
of their further optimization. The article presents the main factors of family disadvantages as a
social phenomenon. The author analyzes the mechanisms of occurrence and reproduction of
dysfunctional family relationships. Particular attention is paid to sociological analysis of the social
process and the loss of parental care in relation to a minor person, forming patterns of ineffective
parenting. On the basis of sociological analysis the author proposes a model of family-oriented
social support to families with children, being in a difficult life situation (family crisis).
Key words |
family disadvantages, loss of parental care, ineffective parenting, family-oriented
social support, family crisis. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Family Based Social Support: the Institutionalization of Innovative Practices in the Russian System of Child Protection |