Article name Projections and Receptions of Chinese Images on Everyday Consciousness of the Russian Population in the Baikal Region from XVII till XX Centuries
Authors Zhukov A.V.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Zhukova A. .Candidate of Philosophy, Researcher
Bibliographic description
UDK 39(571.54/55)
Article type
Annotation In the article an attempt to investigate China and the Chinese by the Russians living in the Baikal region is given. The aim of the article is to analyze the reception of China image by the population of the Russian – Chinese trans-border. The authors prove that the peculiarities of China images formation in this region are influenced by the factors generated under the influence of natural circumstances and practical requirements and only in certain periods of time the political motives emanated from the Russian center prevailed over them. The novelty of the article is determined by the author’s concept proving the fact that mass consciousness is subjected to the influence of projections and produces a great number of China images receptions. This dialogue is rarely reduced to reductive dichotomy «Own - Alien» and often forms more complicated constructions. The authors prove that China images in consciousness of the population of the Baikal region were brought to life by the Russians, who had been in China; the Chinese who transferred the elements of their culture to the Russian territories; political influence, which originated from the Russian center and also China making efforts directed to the distribution of China images and images of the Chinese on the neighboring regions. It has become noticeable since 90-es of the XX century. The result of the research has become the extraction of such evolution stages of China images perception as: the period prior to the Russian colonization; the period of colonization; the period after fixing the Russian – China border; the period of the second half of the XIX century, prior to the October revolution; Soviet and Post-Soviet periods. The practical meaning of the article consists in proving the fact that while performing the strategy of projecting China images it is necessary to take into account natural and practical interests of the population of the Russian – Chinese trans-border.
Key words the Russian-Chinese border line, Russian population of the Baikal region, factors of forming of characters of China, perception of characters of China, periods of evolution of perception of characters of China, cross-cultural dialogue, mass consciousness.
Article information
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Full articleProjections and Receptions of Chinese Images on Everyday Consciousness of the Russian Population in the Baikal Region from XVII till XX Centuries